How do we receive attention and how do we give attention? What drives it, what distracts it, what dissolves it? Watch It brings to light what draws us to observe others and what this indicates about us as observers. Using the loading dock of the museum, this intimate performance shares with and takes from the audience while simultaneously proffering and demanding attention.
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Choreography · Liz Santoro and Pierre Godard
Performers for Watch It, New York · Reid Bartelme and Adda Kridler, with Joey Kipp, Stina Nyberg, Sam Roeck, Storme Sundberg, Ede Thurrell, and Elizabeth Ward
Performers for Watch It, Metz · Reid Bartelme and Gilles Sornette, with Reda Brissel, Marie Cambois, Maud Contini, Julien Ficely, Elisabeth Guérard, Pierre-Hadrien Poulouin, and Marc Mérigot
Watch It, New York was commissioned by the Museum of Arts and Design, New York, NY · coproduction Centre Pompidou-Metz for Watch It, Metz
NOV 15, 2012 | Museum of Arts and Design | [Premier]