What happens when a dancer interprets a musical score? When a percussionist appropriates the movement of a dance piece? Conceived as a study in the exchange of mediums - music and dance - Tempéraments questions in three acts what we can learn from what we know, but also from what we know less.
In turn, Maxime Échardour and Liz Santoro pass on their preferred disciplines - sound for him, which she will manipulate; movement for her, which he will tame - before regaining possession of their respective arts in a game of collage and superimposition of two pieces performed simultaneously: Side by Side, a percussion solo by composer Michio Kitazume, and a short variation of Stereo, a dance solo created for Liz Santoro.
Conception · Pierre Godard
Dance and percussion · Liz Santoro, Maxime Echardour
Production · Le principe d’incertitude et L'instant Donné
Support · Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil - CDN, Ministère de la culture / DRAC Île-de-France, SPEDIDAM, SACEM - la culture avec la copie privée, Mécénat Musical Société Générale