The Game of Life is a sextet for three dancers and three musicians, whose ambition is to find new performative relationships between dance and music. The piece's score, seen as a cellular ecosystem, is generative, and based on principles of reaction, signalling, and cooperation between the six performers.
The title of the piece is a reference to the simulation game conceived by the English mathematician John Horton Conway, in which groups of cells evolve according to their environment, based on simple rules, and which, from iteration to iteration, produce complex and intricate patterns. The Game of Life is the proposal of a form; an experience that embodies the porosity and fragility of our bodies crossed by sound and movement.
Choreography · Pierre Godard and Liz Santoro
Music · Pierre-Yves Macé
Dancers · Mark Lorimer, Philippe Renard, Liz Santoro
Musicians from L'Instant Donné · Maxime Echardour, Saori Furukawa, Mayu Sato-Brémaud
Space · Mélanie Rattier
Lighting · Pierre Godard and Mélanie Rattier
Interaction designer & researcher · John Sullivan
Costumes · Marguerite Tenot and Liz Santoro
Sound engineer · Aria de la Celle
Technical direction · Emmanuel Fornès or Antoine Monzonis-Calvet
Production · Le principe d’incertitude and L’Instant Donné. Coproduction · Cndc – Angers ; CCN – Ballet de Lorraine ; CCN de Caen en Normandie, dans le cadre de l’Accueil-studio ; Théâtre du Beauvaisis – Scène nationale. Support · avec le soutien du mécénat de la Caisse des Dépôts ; avec le soutien de l'Adami ; avec la participation du DICRéAM ; with the friendly support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation ; Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d'Île-de-France ; SACEM ; SPEDIDAM ; Maison de la Musique Contemporaine ; CN D Centre national de la danse ; La POP ; Atelier de Paris / CDCN